
    • 레이디 제인(전지혜) Lady Jane
    • 출생(Birthday) : 1984년 ( 1984 )
    • 나이(Age) : 41 세 (만40세)
    • 성별(Sex) : 여성 (female)
    • (Chinese zodiac sign) : 쥐띠(Mouse)
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    • 직업(Job) : 가수(singer)
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      Update : 2024년 10월 19일

    • 소속그룹(Group) : 티라미스
    • 소속(Company) : 미스터제이엔터테인먼트
    • 데뷔(Debut) : 2006년 아키버드 1집 앨범 [All Allowed]
    • 가족(Family) : 여동생 전지원
    • 사이트(Site) :
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      대학교 : 숙명여자대학교 언론정보학과

      2006년 그룹 허밍 어반 스테레오 2집 객원보컬
      2006년 그룹 아키버드 멤버

      Lady Jane is known by many other nicknames, like "Hongdae Goddess" and "Simon D's Girlfriend". Some she embraces, some not so much.
      The fact of the matter is, she's actually been around long before many started to notice her subsequent to them noticing Simon D, the charismatic rapper of the hip hop duo Supreme Team. She debuted in the indie band Aquibird in 2006 and has been a regular on the Hongdae music scene.
      She teamed up with Yoobi to form Tiramisu in 2009. A little after this was when Simon D started to gain much attention and fame for his activities in Supreme Team as well as on various popular variety TV shows. Much attention diverted from Simon D to Lady Jane, being that the two were in a serious relationship for quite some time.
      She started to resent the nickname and the shadow that loomed over her due to the connection between her and Simon D. She wanted to make a name for herself.
      Lady Jane then went on to debut as a solo artist in 2011. Ironically enough though, Simon D joined her on her debut performance. Though musically she didn't blow up nearly as much as Supreme Team, she became a regular face on TV variety shows and a regular voice on many popular prime time radio programs.
      Her sweet voice, honest demeanor, and down-to-earth style gained her many fans. We hope that she continues on her track to becoming a more solidified, established "Lady Jane".
